Nonstop Reviews

Squeezing every drop of profit from your published books with an unrelenting pursuit of honest reviews

Author services to help you get reviews on your books successfully.

What if you didn't have to think about reviews and they came automatically?

Our four services help you successfully launch your book:

Prior to Publication

We create the BIGGEST Advanced Reader List (ARL) possible! The world is your oyster... or lime?  The larger your ARL, the more possible Verified Reviews you will receive on Amazon. Verified Reviews appear across every market, so you want the biggest fan list possible! Let's face it, few of us publish as a passion project.  We want to make money and create a passive income stream. Your ARL starts you on that right path! 

Publication Launch Days

Most Publishers and Independent Authors publish on Amazon and then set their Kindle Price to zero for a set number of key days.  This is our time to "squeeze the orange" and get every drop possible from our ARL! Set your best seller tags based on our research and set up your promotion schedule. Orange you glad I didn't say Banana?


Let's Make Some Juice! Let's not just squeeze every drop - Let's drink in the benefits! Publishing your book strategically and gaining reviews on your book is a significant part of the process of setting your book up for long-term success... So why stop?  Nonstop Reviews helps you establish your book as an authority figure in your publishing niche.  That means long-term success for you and your publishing business!

Publishers & Independent Authors need Nonstop Reviews

"Book reviews inspire confidence in readers. A book listed on Amazon without a single review probably won’t get very far." 

Melanie Ashford,, September 1, 2020

What's Our Secret?

Our secret is... WE DON'T HAVE ONE!  

Anyone who has published will tell you that getting honest reviews is hard work... and IT IS!  We just do the hard work for you.  

If you are looking for a quick fix, this isn't it!

Here is what we do:

Getting Started... Are You Serious?!?

Nonstop Reviews is for the serious Publisher & Independent Author.  We don't work with everyone.  Just those who are truly committed to success.  

The way to build your book success is TIME, CONSISTENCY, and EFFECTIVE METHODOLOGIES.  As an entrepreneur, you cannot build your long-term passive income stream if you don't invest in your book.  Believe it or not, writing the book is the EASY part (and I'm not saying it's easy!)  THIS is the business of publishing and every successful publisher and author will tell you that getting reviews is a must. You will not make money without them.

If you have written a quality book published on Amazon, are willing to invest in your book(s), are committing to crushing your niche and being untouchable by the competition, then apply to work with Nonstop Reviews.  If this isn't you, then Nonstop Reviews isn't for you.

How to start: